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Yiwu enterprises determine standards of three daily-used plastic commodities

Source:     Author:       Date: 2008-11-23

After careful inspection and repeated discussion,the manuscript of the national standard of polypropylene drinking straws,plastic nursing bottles and plastic nipples proposed by China National Light Industry Council and drawn up by Yiwu Soton Daily Necessities Co .,Ltd and AQIN Plastics Co.,Ltd was finalized in Yiwu on November 13,which means that the two enterprises became national standard leaders of the three items from then on.
Chen Jiaqi, vice dean of the National Technical Committee of Standardization for Plastic Products,said that it's really like
timely rains that the two Yiwu enterprises made the national standard for the three kinds of daily necessities.The effects of the standard will not only promote the criterion of daily plastic necessities manufacturers but also help to eliminate international trade barriers and strengthen the influence and competition power of China-made products in the world . Lou
Zhongping,head of Yiwu Daily Necessities Association,told that the standard has two characteristics:one is that the three items are closely related to people’ s daily life,especially plastic nursing bottles and nipples which are related to little children’s health; the other is that Yiwu enterprises used to formulate part of the standard of a certain product,but this time,the two enterprises formulate the standard of three items only by themselves.

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